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Development in Manatee County could impact Hunsader Farms, M
Development in Manatee County could impact Hunsader Farms, M
Development in Manatee County could impact Hunsader Farms, Myakka Elephant Ranch
A developer wants to build 5,000 homes and add roads that could cut through Hunsader Farms and Myakka Elephant Ranch.
Related Keywords
Bradenton ,
Florida ,
United States ,
Manatee County ,
Tanzania ,
South Africa ,
Uganda ,
Myakka City ,
Rachel Hunsader Sliker ,
Julia Braren ,
East Manatee County ,
Myakka Elephant Ranch ,
Chief Operating Officer ,
Myakka Elephant ,
Avenue East ,
Hansader Farms ,
County Road ,
East River Ranch Boulevard ,
County Commissioners ,
Land Use ,
Abc Action News ,
Development ,
Elephant Ranch ,
Elephants ,
Wfts ,