news. are they going to do a primetime special that's like, the american economy, growing and growing, just because -- >> that's -- but that's exactly what all of the anchors there have been doing. they're telling the american people that it is -- i mean, i try not to, but they tell the american public that everything is okay, the economy is strong, it's the media who is at fault. it's the liberal media that is trying to make the economy weak so that donald trump doesn't win reelection. as if a weak economy would be good for the american public. no. but it's this idea that they just continue to reverberate these conspiracy theories and it's like they are in this closed loop. >> to pick up on richard's point that connects with what you're saying, there is, on the one hand, data and how much can you fight the numbers and the facts and the evidence. and then there are these bubble events. i mean, george soros who knows his way around the markets talked about the fact bubbles do exist, and a very powerful