said no, path to citizenship, if not path to legalization. >> i know the whole pay a fine. get to the end of the line. what were the two states? >> i believe -- don't hold me, i believe it was alabama and mississippi. but to your question about the base, nicolle, would you appreciate this having worked in the white house, it's so interesting because historically you see presidents attempting to have broad appeal, attempting to appeal to the many at the expense of a few, and president trump basically does the opposite. >> correct. >> consistently with his policy, it's engaging and appealing to the few at the expense of the broader section. >> and believing this will be -- math may not back them up on this, believe this will be an election about turning out more trump voters, people who didn't come out last time, haven't voted in a long time. that's strategy, thread the needle enough in those states and we know where they are, rust belts and so on.