basically hold my nonalcoholic beer, let me show you what i can do to show how insensitive i am. if anybody else had said that, if a network news host had said that or somebody on a television channel had said what he said, they would be suspended indefinitely. >> we'd be done. we'd be done. >> for having said that. >> no, we would be done. you're absolutely right, jonathan. >> i mean, it's beneath the -- i think in common discussion, it's beneath the dignity of basic political discussion, and it's really beneath -- it's beneath any sort of entiglightened conversation. he's talking about people -- three of the four are from ohio, michigan, and new york. these are states in the united states of america, two of which are important to his re-election. and in terms of the fourth, ilhan omar, born in somalia, an immigrant who came to the united states, ran for congress and won.