thinking seriously now about trump's mental condition and psychological state, including and especially the media, congress, and the vice president and cabinet." conway followed with a series of posts today that included images from the american psychiatric association's diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders. he included a diagnostic checklist for narcissistic personality disorder and anti-social personality disorder. this morning, his wife, kellyanne, was asked about her husband's continued critiques of trump. >> kellyanne, your husband has been tweeting his concerns about the president's mental fitness for office. are those concerns that you share or how do you deal -- >> no, i don't share those concerns. >> let's bring in our leadoff panel on a monday night. sam stein, politics editor for the daily beast. nancy cook, white house reporter for politico. and the aforementioned bill kristol, a veteran of the reagan and bush administrations. these days editor at large of "the bullwork."