no one can stay there because you have an erratic leader at the top, and they can put a new person in the job, we're about to get our fourth chief of staff, five communications directors, more lawyers than you and i can count and because the rot begins at the top. >> i ask you jennifer, one of the things, but let me read a little bit from this piece in the new yorker, you were quoted in it, and this piece rung a lot of bells this weekend, now with shine going out, it seems incredibly well timed or one of the things that precipitated the departure. a source close to trump says that the president has been complaining that shine hasn't been aggressive enough. late last year trump told the source shine promised me press coverage would get better but it's gotten worse. trump thought he was getting roger ailes but instead he got roger ailes gopher. talk about this a little bit, and the shine perplex. >> yes, well, shine of course was the person who was the clean up guy. he went around and cleaned up the messes from roger ailes, from bill o'reilly, from all of