or scream at him or tell him i hate you or anything like that. because that's not -- that's not how it is at all. that's not how i feel. that's how i felt years ago but i'm at peace with everything now. >> are you? >> uh-huh. >> why see him? maybe i want some kind of closure just to know maybe why. you know, if he told me because you're slut or you're a whore, you're a bitch, anything would be better than not knowing anything at all. >> a few weeks later, we saw her just after a court appearance. she agreed to plead guilty to her charges of drug possession and larceny and was given three years probation. with her release less than 24 hours away, she was in good spirits. >> another patdown. getting felt up once again. >> all girls like man, i need to come to jail more often. my girlfriend doesn't touch me this much. >> most action i've had in months. >> i was given three years deferred on a felony possession,