strategy right now, of course bernie sanders launched this big campaign just within the last two weeks. he had his big rally yesterday. this is not necessarily the narrative i assume that he wanted out there this first week. >> probably not, but it doesn't seem to be hurting him. as a conservative who washed with a lot of trepidation in 2016 as donald trump secured a very high position in the polls and maintained it throughout every controversy that he encountered, bernie sanders is at the top of the polls. bernie sanders is raising more money than anybody in the field and establishment democrats are sniping at him saying he's not a member of my party, he lacks a filter, he doesn't have a lot of grasp on policy, he's appealing to fringe radical voters in our party and yet he's maintaining all this support and it can't possibly last. this is all very familiar. >> they're all continuing to give money in the meantime and he's continuing to lead. so the big question has been whether or not, roeshl, this will hurt this whole feud. >> this fight between clinton and sanders, no, i don't think it's going to hurt. i think any time you have some sort of campaign that the aides