interview with the yiemsz. >> i don't think i have the authority to do that. i'm not sure i do. but i wouldn't do it. i was never involved with his security. >> after that interview jared kushner's wife, ivanka trump also denied president trump had a hand in this. >> the president had no involvement pertaining to my clearance or my husband's clearance. >> so no special treatment. >> no. >> jared curb her wraps up a six-stop trip to the middle east. he met with the crown pruns and his questions linger about what jared kushner omitted on his first application for security clearance. letz me start with you. you filled out theeds forms before. you've been through this process as well. before we get into the lying side of things, why they're saying deferent things, talk about the implications of this. your reaction to how this process unfolded. >> let me say look, when you start this process you get a