prostitution because definitely when you're doing this kind of stuff to kids it matters whether or not you're paying them. that's what the law cares about. clearly they're prostitutes. he served 13 months in a county jail, a county jail sentence where he was mostly allowed to spend time in his office six days a week doing whatever he wanted to do because there was a generous work release program set up just for him. he was also in a private wing of that lockup. alex acosta, then the top prosecutor in florida, he was the one who approved that deal with jeffrey epstein. and it's turned out to be very important to that story that mr. acosta agreed to do that deal in secret. there is a federal law, a law called the crime victims rights act, which gives crime victims the right to be told when there are plea negotiations going on in their case. they have the right to be present for any kind of hearing or sentencing, but alex acosta