sooner, that's going to be a moment where many senators are going to be worrying about history and how history will talk about them and how much they're willing to protect the institution of congress as it relates to this grand and glorious democracy that's served us so well all these years. >> let's listen to the president's top adviser on immigration and border issues, stephen miller yesterday on fox news, trying -- who apparently has not been able to find any precedent, even, no matter how hard he tried, for what the president has done here. >> can you name one case where a president has asked congress for money, congress has refused, and the president has then invoked national powers to get the money anyway? >> well, this current situation -- >> just yes or no, sir? >> the current situation pertains specifically to the military construction authority. >> i'm just asking, has there been a -- has congress asked for money for military construction, congress said no and he then --