the interests of the people of color, it has to make a strong statement with people like steve king and let them know there is no place for them in the republican party. just like the calls are out right now for governor northam to step aside. >> and joe, what about the president here? >> well, the president certainly has made comments about northam. i would like to see him make a stronger comment. i would like to see him say that northam needs to step down, because i think it's important for the people of the commonwealth of virginia, whether they're democrat or republican or black or white, but certainly for african-americans, it's important for the governor at this point to step aside. and i'd like to see the president say that unequivocally. >> something he didn't do in charlottesville, he got a lot of creditism because of that. how do you reckon those two different actions here? >> i was one of the people that criticized the president when charlottesville happened in 2017. i thought his response was too little too late, and certainly