of syria or libya or yemen or places like this. >> yes. >> is there a stability issue we should be concerned about? that a massive south american economy as damaged as it is could actually fully collapse? >> this, i mean, this used to be the richest country in south america. and now what we're looking at is the beginnings of that. it really started to happen back in 2014. i was there on the ground. i saw the beginnings of this then. it's really only gotten worse. inflation at this point is starting to rival zimbabwe in its worst years in terms of 1 million percent inflation rates. when you look collectively, you can talk about the difference of opinion in terms of politics. but to have a country that has this much resources and that many people start to collapse and then the prospect of u.s. military intervention -- >> john bolton's paper -- >> yes, it's hard to imagine that that wasn't intentional, the little piece of paper that just happened to be in front of the map of venezuela, saying