the democratic party. you have really straddled both of those lanes. you really have operated in both of those spaces your whole public life. why has that never been a problem for you? >> you go to my hometown or the city of cleveland or appalachia and people have the same hopes and dreams, people think if you work ought you ought to be able to get ahead. if you love your country, you fight for the people who make it work, whether you punch a clock or swipe a badge or raising children or caring for an aging parent or working on a salary or working for tips. and this expansive sort of expansive definition of work, to respect work, to honor work. i don't think our government -- you've got a white house that looks like a retreat for wall street executives. they're not listening to workers. whether it's in the shutdown or the tax bill or it's trump trying to scale back the overtime rule, where 130,000 ohioans, 5 million americans were getting a raise that were working 50 and 60 hours a week. were going to get time and a half for the first time and the president tries to take it away. i mean, it's this long-term