couch and we sat there for a second. and i said, is brooke morris your daughter. and said she is, and i said, well, she's been murdered. >> she passed out cold, so we had to get her to come back to and i think we were just all shocked. >> when tina came to she could hardly process what had happened. >> it was almost like it was not real. you know. you've got the wrong person, it's not her. >> but it was real. brooke was dead. she'd been shot three times, once in her neck, once in her chest and then execution style shot to the back of her head. >> i could not believe that another human could be so heartless. >> you know, they're asking us these questions like, do you know anybody that would want to harm your sister? we're like, we don't have a clue. >> i could not even think of someone that would want to hurt brooke in any way.