haphazard system of having -- starting to actually govern, and now almost two years in they're still grappling with something that should have been addressed long ago. >> david, i think my reaction is a little bit of what john was just saying there in terms of if -- one of the sort of fundamental bases of the trump campaign in 2016 was this e-mail question. they're pointing to all these distinctions in the statement here, but how would you not be on top of that from the very beginning after running that kind of campaign? >> i mean, it's sloppy. it's definitely a problem. but let's be really clear about one thing. it's not a minor detail to say that there's no classified information on those e-mails. at least so far as we know. the inclusion of top secret information in these private e-mails with hillary is something that put it on a whole different plane that implicated the espionage act. so we're dealing with different orders of magnitude, but it's still sloppy. it's still a problem. it's still not what you want to