stopped. they're in the process of certifying their final tabulations. they're going to send those to the secretary of state's office, as are 66 other counties in florida that have to do that by thursday at 3:00 p.m. what happens next is important. behind me there's a cage of boxes of ballots with a yellow sticker on them. here in leon county, that's how they're delineating where those over and under votes are. a quick update on what an over an under vote are. an over vote, that machine doesn't necessarily pick up who you picked in that race. maybe you checked more than one box or maybe you picked the wrong box, xed it out. that's an over vote. that's going to come out in the hand recount. an under vote is something similar. maybe you didn't fill in the bubble, didn't fill in the ballot the way the machine needed it to, to pick up what that mark was. maybe you checked it or did an arrow or something else. maybe you wrote in the