noise. here are the places you're looking at right now where donald trump has been holding this campaign rallies in the midterm homestretch the last two months. they're almost all in states he won in 2016. so he's actually sticking to defending red states where he retains support, not taking his message to those swing districts, let alone going on offense to win back any blue districts. so yes, trump's holding lots of rallies, but no, they're not generally in places likely to decide who wins the house a week from tonight. and while we know trump loves spending money to put his name on anything, buildings, tv screens, whatever, consider how bad he knows he's doing in these districts that he just approved his 2020 campaign spend $6 million on new ads this week that don't even mention him. we have all heard of the witness protection program. this is kind of a president protection program. where he can kind of go underground. his former aide told us this is a necessity because even republicans in the swing