lynsie had met him through friends about four months prior. and it turned out he never drove lynsie to andrea's house for a sleepover. chris said that was a lie, lynsie made up for her mother. the real plan was to go clubbing all night in san diego. >> she says, "don't tell my mom that we're going to san diego because my mom won't let us go, or won't let me go," or something like that. and definitely don't tell her that we're clubbing. >> reporter: chris told police that, when their night of clubbing went bust, they headed home earlier than expected. he dropped off the other girls, he said, and then headed to lynsie's house. chris said it was after 4:00 a.m. when he finally got back here to lynsie's neighborhood. and he said that lynsie was worried that her mom might hear his truck pull up at that hour. so chris said lynsie asked to be dropped off not at her house, but here at the corner, about 50 yards away. that sounded strange to police, until they heard from lynsie's friends that at other times, she