articulated of a man of manifest lack of serious coherence, chaotic intelligence and the lack of an ability to really express himself by not only pulling upon the strands of history, but refusing to take into consideration what's going on today. so i think in one sense if we're going to talk about -- if we're going to be honest about donald trump, he has not helped black people, he has not enabled african-american people to move forward. he's riding a crest and a wave of economic prosperity put in place by his predecessor barack obama. he has refused to acknowledge the centrality of pollutiice brutality, and unarmed black people being assaulted by police in this country. the reality is that donald trump, while claiming through rhetoric to be for the blacks, what he has done is undermine the kbasty of african-american people to exist in a country where it's not only about the economic facts and the wherewithal we contend with, it is about the tone, it is about the rhetoric, it is about the