and we made a phone call to that number, there was no answer. it went to an answering machine. it was a cell phone voicemail? or was it a person's voice? it was a cell phone voicemail for a woman named peggy. josh mankiewicz: peggy, that's a name you'll hear again. the detective made a mental note to have that number traced. but within minutes of hanging up, his phone rang. and there was a female who said she had just gotten a phone call from that number. and she identified herself as peggy thomas, explained that she was a friend of brenna and russell douglas. josh mankiewicz: peggy thomas told the detective she'd been visiting friends over the holidays. and explained that she had simply contacted russell in order to pass along a present for brenna. she answered all of my questions to my satisfaction. there was nothing about that phone call that made me include her in the suspect list. josh mankiewicz: but then again, the detective's suspect list was essentially a blank page.