to shift the blame for the border crisis that he created on to congress. then on friday he threw a wrench in that process telling republicans they should stop, quote, wasting their time on immigration until the midterms. two bills have been brewing in the house, the more conservative bill failed, the other a so-called compromise bill meaning a compromise between hard line and more moderate republicans with no input from democrats is set to get a vote next week. the bill among many things ends family separation at the border and offering dreamers a chance for legal status and for some a path to citizenship. but it also gives trump $25 billion for his wall that mexico was supposed to pay for, imposes drastic reductions on legal immigration and makes it harder to apply for asylum in the united states. joining me now is congressman paul, representing the state of washington. your advocacy this week has been really important. so thank you for that. >> thank you, joy. thanks for everything you're doing on the show. >> thank you. so let's talk about this bill. the first bill went away so this supposed compromise bill that