the people who work inside, the doctors and medical providers and the attorneys who are trying to provide legal assistance to somebody who's 5 years old or 4 years old said the kids are quite hysterical. when they ask, you know, try to ask them about their families they just start screaming because they want their mother or father. we spoke with people who work in child traum and said tha and sao be expected. >> meaning the emotional fallout for thooed these kids is to be expected, the trauma they'll face for the rest of their lives? >> yeah. so the situation is that the federal government doesn't want to how's somebody who's 5 or 4 or 3 with 17-year-olds. they need specialized daycare centers where they can stay to be safe. but inside these places these kids who have been taken from their parents are quite panicked. it's a pretty natural thing. and so there's these -- these centers that are holding these tender age children would are just -- it's not a good