what do you make of this? >> i actually thought it was revealing and an interesting one that he threw sekulow under the bus. he said this is all about public opinion. if donald trump tries to pardon himself then he will get impeached. if he tries to fire mueller or stop the investigation then he will get impeached. so i think it's very clear what they're doing is they're allowing the president to spout off on twitter. giuliani will come in here and say one thing and he'll probably change his mind and say something else to other news organizations later today or tomorrow. they're trying to confuse things. we have two strategies, one is to discredit everyone involved and two, confuse things so much that the public doesn't know where up is or where down is so when the report ultimately comes out they have an ability to push back and say this was all a big witch hunt. no one really gets it. republican voters, look what we're doing, ignore all of this. we're making a deal with north korea, whatever. stay on our side.