is not a situation in which most people have no bias, the truth is we're constantly bombarded with bias, with prejudice, it's almost like fighting germs to keep these away from us. it takes a certain amount of work so the difficulty is when you have a society as we do which haas an incredibly high level of incarceration, extreme involvement of police in fairly everyday things and unfortunately to their detriment a lot of police have become the first responders for mental health issues, for family disputes. it used to be if there was a fight in the schoolyard this was a disciplinary matter and that turned into a school-to-prison pipeline. well in the same way, just normal disagreements and disputes and curiosities in society have turned into individuals making phone calls because, frankly, they find the race of the person they're watching to be inherently suspicio suspicious. so it's a problem and it does require the participation of everyone not to tap into their biases and to look at what's happening. >> and for a lotted of black people, the idea of the police