there has been some interest from tom till it will son. this is what mitch mcconnell had to say. let's take a listen. >> there is a move afoot among some of your colleagues just to make sure the president doesn't get rid of mueller to institutionally shield mueller from being fired. how do you feel than? >> well, that's not necessary. there is no indication that mueller is going to be fired. i don't think the president is going to do that. and just as a practical matter, even if we passed it, why would he sign it? i'm the one who decides what we take to the floor. that's my responsibility as majority leader, and we'll not be having this on the floor of the senate. >> what do you think of that? >> you don't build a hurricane wall when you see katrina five miles out from the shore, you know. i think there is a basis for us to conclude that bob mueller potentially could be fired by this president. so let's put in place mechanisms that would prevent that from happening. you think about the chaos that would be unleashed in this country, the constitutional crisis that this nation would