tack with michael cohen. you seem to think that means something, that they are now taking a negative approach to michael cohen. see this title here, trump's fixer, secrets and lice. why do you think they are doing it? most people think they are all on the same side. >> i think this is a back channel effort by mr. president trump and others in the administration to begin the erogue of michael cohen's credibility -- erosion of michael cohen's credibility. because they have determine what i have been saying for weeks, a he is in a lot of trouble and b there is little question whether he is going to roll over, turn or flip, whatever phrase you want to use on the president. this is the beginning stages of them trying to take his legs out from underneath him so they can later argue he doesn't have any credibility when he flips on the president. >> it may work on the shelves of the stores that sell the magazine. does that help in a court of law. >> you don't know how a jury or owes are going to view this. there is a pr angle as relates to this. it may prove as fodder for him