they were hurling threats at he each other on twitter and official statements and now he's become the biggest cheerleader. i think we focus a lot on president trump's negative tweets but he's also a great cheerleader on twitter when he wants to be. >> yesterday president trump implied it was his tough rhetoric toward north korea that caused kim jong-un's change in attitude. let's listen to that again. >> right. >> look, it was very, very nasty, you know, with little rocket man and with the buttons and, you know, my button's bigger than -- everybody said this guy is going to get us into nuclear war. let me tell you, the nuclear war would have happened if you had weak people. >> how do you distill serious policy making from the carnival barker language he uses? like he's got a striped suit on and he's waving a pole, like he's outside a tent trying to get people to come in for five bucks? that's the way he talks. what do you make of the policy of a little scare talk. does it work? the nixon approach.