the judge says, "whatever you're most comfortable with." whereupon steve ryan, representing michael cohen says, "the client's name that's involved is sean hannity." and the judge says, "thank you." nbc reporter tom winters' report from inside the courtroom at that point, i'll just read you what he -- he sent us, like, a dispatch from the court. "when steve ryan, attorney for michael cohen, disclosed the name of the mysterious third client, sean hannity, those gathered in the courtroom gasped. the mouths of reporters dropped open. some struggled not to laugh." i still am struggling not to laugh. this has been a very weird day in the news. one of the anchors at the major pro-trump news network has had an undisclosed relationship with the president's lawyer all this time while fox has not told that to its audience and while mr. hannity and mr. cohen have apparently spent considerable effort trying to keep that relationship secret.