tens of thousands of homes, whole towns were being swept away, but zach didn't know that yet. >> i just wanted to find georgia, my best friend and i wanted to make sure she was all right. >> zach kept telling himself she was all right. noda, the small town on the coast where georgia lived was protected by massive concrete sea walls and barriers. >> so your first thought wasn't, oh, god, she's in trouble. it was more, thank god there's a wall. >> yes, it's there. there's no possible way it could have gotten over that. >> how did you find out you were wrong? >> well, i decided -- i just left, i left work. >> back in indiana zach's parents, relieved their son was alive, got another e-mail. zach was going to look for georgia. >> now a new set of concerns like -- i wasn't even exactly sure where she was. so once we figured that out, we