trump sucks the oxygen out of all kinds of other issues in the world. we have unfolding in myanmar essentially a genocide against the row hinge gag people. i talked to a survivor who as she was being led off to be raped her baby was pulled from her breast and thrown into a bonfire. this is a policy of throwing children into bonfires, a policy of rape. the u.s. needs to stand up. other countries need to stand up. >> what's one thing the trump administration could do? >> there is a bill in congress that would provide targeted sanctions against myanmar leaders. it has a lot of support in the senate including the senate foreign releases committee. mitch mcconnell is holding it up because he admires suu kui as we used to do. >> i'm glad you changed us on that. and mcconnell. davies, what's up. >> what's up. >> glad you're here. i happen to be a fan. i'm a fan of all of you. >> appreciate it, man. >> who needs to fall back this