$130,000 a month on private airline travel and spend tens of thousands of dollars on new desks. that's an awful lot of desks that the federal government already owns. why can't they even pretend for public appearances to be behaving well? >> yeah, lawrence, i think a lot of this just goes to, their priorities are all off. and they are much less focused on their jobs, and much more interested in trying to figure out how their jobs can make them look good. but, you know, lawrence, there is one piece of this story that really does kind of stick in my craw, which is, there's been a lot of discussion about how scott pruitt's international travel actually is pretty similar to the international travel bills that were racked up by gena mccarthy, his predecessor at the epa. what those stories and pruitt tease defenders fail to tell you is that while scott pruitt was traveling around the world playing some lobbyist version of carmen san diego, gena mccarthy was actually traveling all