i think he wants to run right now for re-election. who knows what he'll decide in a couple years. he wants to run. i think his entire strategy comes down to two parts. one, grab and hold 45% of the electorate, enough to get him elected the first time. he feels he's got hold of it thanks to rasmus sen's estimations. hold on to that for all he's got. fight on the wall, immigration, crime, whatever holds that together and wait for the democrats to pick an opponent and knock his or her head off. go against whoever they run, he wins that way he's setting up the first proposition which is hold 45%, enough to win and then knock the other guy's head off. that's what he's up to, i think. >> he already has an election staring him in the face, chris. the midterm elections this year and he is trying torous the base, not just looking to 2020 but 2018.