assurances to school children and others, what happens? what comes out of this white house on guns? >> i don't think anything, brian. and that's why i think so many americans are disappointed right now. we've seen on television all day today the mothers of victims, survivors, teenage survivors of the school saying, will the adults in washington please do something. please have a discussion, at a minimum, but at least have some consideration of changing the laws so this doesn't happen in the future. we not only see no plan for any kind of legal change coming out of the white house, but you don't even hear the word gun being echoed by the president or by his staff. i talked to some of the white house officials this afternoon to say is the president listening to these pleas today? is he going to be engaging, showing some leadership on the gun issue? and was given a response that was echoing what the president said in his remarks, which has nothing to do with guns.