don't carry a purse. we had the man give us his wallet. took the wallet, hopped in the car and drove off. opened the wallet there was a dollar and i would say three quarters and a dime in a little change pouch. the next thing i know the police is behind us. i have my friend just nail it. we throw the fake guns out the window. they come and arrest us for armed robbery. i was pretty pissed. >> now knox has another problem to deal with. he faces a disciplinary hearing for failure to lock in. not being in his cell for a routine head count. >> i'm just going to go in there with a clean head and hope to beat it. if i don't i'm going to lose time and probably end up going to seg. so i'm going to act a fool. i'm going to be pissed off and snap probably. i'm going to start cussing. i'm going to throw a couple chairs. >> meanwhile ronnie tye is anticipating a visit from his