have a lot of competitive congressional races. and california is one of the states that will take a hit under this plan, certain parts of it. >> johnathan, eyeshades are being put on all across the country right now as initial reports get out of what's in this. and a lot of good people will spend the weekend poring through it. i heard it said tonight that accountants may take years to discover fully what's in it and the workarounds. having said that, what's the heads up to give folks tonight about what's in this bill? >> certainly accountants would like to be paid for years to tell what's going on there. tax bills are always good for accountants. you've got $1.5 trillion in ten years in debt. the way that's proportioned is disproportionately towards the wealthiest americans. if folks like that, they'll love this bill. what you've heard from democrats, even some republicans in close districts in california, darrell issa is