allegations that -- that he was abusive, or even controlling. >> reporter: george's friend aaron solano couldn't agree more. >> no matter where he finds himself -- what challenging situation he finds himself in, he has always been consistently kind, consistently caring. >> reporter: so which george was the real one? the detectives decided to pay george a visit at his house, though they didn't tell him what they'd heard about him. the good or the bad. >> mr. -- can i call you george? >> yeah, call me george. >> thank you. >> reporter: george said, sure, he knew greyhound. but said he'd never heard him called noel stevens before. >> you knew him as something else? >> i knew him as neal smith. >> reporter: george told detectives how he and shauna had befriended this neal smith. tried to help him get back on his feet. >> me and the wife kind of looked at him like our little charity case because he was a nice guy and was down on his luck.