timeline on the events leading up to the release of john podesta's hacked e-mails. august 21st, 2016, roger stone tweeted, trust me, it will soon be podesta's time in the barrel. #crookedhillary. which got a lot of people's attention at the time. how can stone possibly know that, what did he mean? october 5th, stone's now-identified back channel to wikileaks, randy credico, posted this selfie. after meeting with julian assange in the ecuadoran embassy in london. one day later, after that, on october 6th, roger stone tweeted, julian assange will deliver a devastating expose on hillary at a time of his choosing, i stand by my prediction, #handcuffsforhillary. cute. one day after that, the single most consequential day of the entire 2016 campaign. the "access hollywood" tape came out. it's a tape of donald trump bragging about sexual assault, threatening to sink trump's already faltering campaign.