the page at least on that portion of it. obviously, that will not do anything to sort of the specter of the investigation that looms over as i believe sarah huckabee sanders is walking out now. >> hallie vajackson, thank you. we'll take a listen to sarah huckabee sanders. >> good afternoon. we'll let john roberts finish his live shot. hallie. wrapped up. good afternoon. you all know the constitution states that the president shall from time to time give to the congress information of the state of the union, and recommend their considerations such measures as he shall judge necessary and compete yant. that in mind pleased to announce the president accepted the speaker's invitation to deliver the state of the union address on january 30th. as you all know, the holiday season is in full swing here at the white house. with thanksgiving having just passed and christmas on the horizon, we've also just survived black friday, cyber monday, biggest shopping days of the year, right in the middle of