the fbi told the acting attorney general at the time. she warned the national white house counsel and said your national security adviser could be blackmailed. it was that investigation briefed to the president by the white house counsel and the president then turned on the fbi director and said i hope you can see your way clear to dropping this thing on mike flynn. and when comey didn't comply the president fired him. >> robert costa, in the military flying business, they have what are called countermeasures, when they think they're going to get hit by an incoming missile, they release what they call chaff, and it's really pieces of often heated, shiny metal. and it is designed to drive an incoming missile crazy and confuse it. there are obvious parallels to twitter and the communications strategy, which is part of my question of this president. he was scattershot, a lot of targets over the past few days. do you think it was normal or do you think that in the number of targets, in the number of topics over the number of days it was somehow strategic should?