or why i didn't retaliate, i kind of just tell them it's not their business. i guess it's all a part of growing up. i'm 27, i'm not 17 anymore. and i feel like if i can't hold my composure in here then i won't be able to do it at home. so i'm trying to do as much soul searching and changing as i can. >> as further evidence of her growth, lane cites her decision to close the commissary store she had been running out of her cell. >> i have pretty much shut down j.c. brandy's. i'm addicted to hustling. and so no matter where i'm at i always work my hustle in. but i sincerely want to stop that. because i feel like that's the reason i'm here today. the fast pace, tripling and doubling my money and all that. like, that comes with the territory and lifestyle of addiction. >> lane says she hopes to help rebecca goodman change as well.