the speech and then make this flight to china. >> that's right. but do you really believe that this president didn't want to have that photo op? it's the greatest photo op. >> and it comes with a jacket and you know he loves those military jackets. >> exactly. he wanted to be right there and look across into north korea and he was going to be going with moon as well, which sara sanders told the reporters would make it a historic visit the two of them together with dnz. but mother nature intervened and the helicopters couldn't make the trip. >> back to current events, especially politics. kim there are say tweet tonight from our friend out in wisconsin. from the gop the really sad and alarming part of tonight is that the trumpist campaign gillespie ran say mirror of the way so many other republicans have been transforming themselves. this borrows from pieces of our conversation so far tonight, but what is it going to be like on the hill tomorrow?