democratic party which almost as much as donald trump is relitigating the 2016 election? >> so, i think it's fair. i think donna brazile is playing a small role, but i think it's in some ways a proxy for a fight that is going on for the heart and soul of the democratic party. i think in many ways, it's understandable. we're at a moment of massive political realignment. record inequality, record discontent with the political elite because half the american families couldn't pay a $400 bill without going into debt or selling something. we have at this moment in the democratic party a question about how populist we're going to be. the clintons in the 1990s had a very successful movement to bring the democratic party over to the right on economic issues, while remaining progressive on social issues. and right now, at a moment of record economic inequality, there is a lot of tension about where the democratic party is