not fighting. they were horseplaying. that didn't seem likely. because of the injuries that happened. there was some altercation going on between them two inmates. >> i tried to help him up. that's how i got the blood on the back of my shirt. >> got the story from the first inmate. made him detail of what exactly just happened. >> the mop, it was slick, he tried to do it and his shoes slipped and he hit his head on the shower. >> take him over there and talk to the other guy. >> i let him go and brought the other inmate in. his story differed drastically from the first inmate. i went and interviewed the other work aides. so you don't know what happened? >> no, sir. >> no previous arguments earlier in the day? >> no, i don't know. >> i don't know nothing about anything. that's the standards response. >> the shirt's got blood all over it. >> what happened? >> i have no idea. haven't a clue. >> both inmates written up for fighting and horseplay. they'll get a disciplinary hearing. they'll be moved to segregation until they have their hearing. and a disciplinary officer is going to determine what they get. >> while coleman waited in a holding cell, we have asked the