are river gauges that are either in major or record flooding. it's not just the st. john's river. that's the man one through the downtown area of jacksonville. as far as the radar goes, i just saw the tidal predictions. i was talking with willie about this for savannah. last year when hurricane matthew went through, savannah hit 12 feet water height down towards the bay. they're now expecting 14 feet this afternoon. i just did a quick google image search. i wanted to remind myself. it calls up image also of apartment complexes and houses with water in them. i'm looking at those images. now i know it's going to be two feet higher than that. >> so we still have more of this storm and more of the misery it's going to bring. i know you'll be tracking it for us, bill karins. i want to go to joe friar now who is in tampa. the mayer who made all these preparations and said they were prepared to get punched in the face and they were relieved to