and that is part of the issue that we've got. miami is in a situation where it is surrounded by rising waters, and there are waters that flood streets in moderate rains. they have a lot more than moderate rains now, they have a storm surge pushing in. important to remember while the storm is much more serious on the west coast of florida, the pattern of wind is that the wind is coming off the ocean from the east to the west, which is why miami, ft. lauderdale, hollywood, hallandale, all those places are getting water. they're going to get a lot less storm surge than anticipated. no serious storm surge anticipated in areas north of miami but this thing is about to get pretty serious, if it hasn't already, more than three quarter million people are without power in florida. so for the next several hours, brian, you're going to have a lot of work on your hands. >> thank you, my friend. thanks for hours of coverage leading up to this. you've gotten us on landfall.