arizona and thomas massey, a libertarian out of kentucky. i suspect there will be a lot more no votes from conservative members of the house when this bigger deal gets kicked back over from the senate, which could be as early as the end of this week. >> but at this point, no reason to think that the harvey relief bill is in jeopardy. >> reporter: no. i mean, you've got now leadership of both parties on board here. so even if you have the freedom caucus or some other group of ultra conservative republicans say we don't want to do all this together, now that democratic leadership is on board, republicans don't necessarily need those votes. so it does look like all of this will get done, barring some new catastrophe of some kind. >> garrett haake for us there on the hill. thank you. let's bring in florida republican congressman, carlos are you bello. it includes the florida keys and miami. how are your constituents doing. how is your family doing? i understand they're still down there. what sort of precautions are being taken? >> good afternoon, craig. we are bracing for this storm. there's a lot of important work to do here in washington, d.c.,