a common goal, several institutions, okaloosa, walton, century, the ig's canine. what we're doing this morning, mass search. our goal is to identify, locate and remove items of contraband, making santa rosa a safer place for the inmates and the staff. >> today's search will cover two housing units and involve officers from santa rosa, three other state prisons, and the state's inspector general's k-9 unit. the dogs are trained detect the scents of both drugs and cell phones. >> we've got six different search teams. some things i want to caution y'all. i want everybody to remain professional during the search today. i want to leave the bunks and the areas as close as we can to the way we found them. in the event it becomes necessary to use force, utilize minimum force necessary for procedure. >> get in your boxers. shower slides only. unlock your lockers. stay in your cell.