secretary had to say last week when asked if he could stand by president trump's comments on charlottesville. let's watch him. >> he denounced bigotry, hatred, violence, nazis, white supremacists and i think he can speak for himself. >> i think he can speak for himself. what do you make of that position? those aren't my words, the president's. don't blame me. i'm veterans fairs guy here. >> i have sympathy for him. he cares about veterans. he want to serve them. i worked at the v.a. i get that. but he is also responsible for a very diverse group of veterans who need his support. and what isn't shown in that clip is further on he equivocated and hedged as to whether he would condemn those words. i think the prong that i articulated in my standard of you should still be able to speak the truth i think the man equivocated and didn't state -- >> i want to you talk right now on tv, we're on live, the people still working, kellyanne