with people who everybody knows are dirty. and it doesn't matter if that's okay in their country. it is not okay in the united states if you're an american company or american businessman doing that. just willful refusal to look and recognize dirt you are wallowing in, that's enough to get nailed in this country under our lawes. >> and it is absolutely not okay if you're a business point who will at some point run for president. >> there's that. >> yeah. >> thanks wsh rachel. >> thank you, lauwrence. nbc news is reporting that the president stunned his staff by taking questions at what was supposed to be simply an announcement of another trump executive order. this one about building permits for intrastructure. not surprisingly there were no questions about infrastructure. the president knew exactly what questions would be about. in his defense of his comments about the murder of heather in charlottesville on saturday, by a white supremacist, donald trump relied entirely on a claim